Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hand In Hand...

We received our packet from Hand-In-Hand International today...and Patrick has already read it all! *grins*

Honestly, I was quite surprised...the fees seem quite reasonable, though I am aware that they don't reflect all the costs that will be incurred during this process.

*chuckles* I have to laugh, as I heard through the grapevine, that some family and friends were under the mistaken understanding that Patrick and I are expecting (ie. pregnant)...just for the record, we are not. As I spoke of earlier, this is not a road that God has before us to walk.

One thing that has been very manifest in the last few days, and it has been a great blessing to me personally, is the support of family and friends (including so many new acquaintances on the Adopt-Philippines yahoo group!). Thank you so much for the love and messages of support!

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